четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

comedy central top 100 standups

After lunch I�went to the library and banged out another essay.
Class was booooring.
Pep band was...Peppy. But long.
Justin and I�decided to skip the PBL�movie and opted to do homework...which I�never did because I�got a call from Bryan saying he was coming up. Bye bye homework.
Funny how easy those choices are.�I�was sooooo stressed out and yet I threw all homework aside to hang out with Bryan. And while with him I felt none of that stress. Thank God.
We went for a walk�(aka he forgot his wallet in his car haha)�and talked lots. We watched Buffy. Ugh, love <3
Went to the diner, met up with Christina. I�think I live at the diner. Ah, well, I�hadnapos;t had dinner.�All is well.
Now Iapos;m back in my room. Paul came in for a bit.�He was being weird.
Again, everyone is crazy. Even people elsewhere, I think. Whatapos;s going on with the world?
Now Iapos;m reading...why?�I�have no idea.�I�should be asleep, or doing homework.
But itapos;s just so good. And I canapos;t stop myself.
But despite all the crazy amounts of homework I�have, it was really good to see Bryan. He always manages to put a smile on my face :)
Tomorrow�Iapos;ll be freaking out, Iapos;m sure.
But for now, I read. And itapos;s kind of depressing me haha such a dark fic right now. Weapos;ll see.


bussa head lil lyric scrappy, comedy central top 100 standups, comedy central top 100 stand ups, comedy central top 100 stand up.

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