суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

codec conflict

So, I finished my first marathon this past Thanksgiving weekend in Victoria. And.....

I did great. But enough about me, you want to hear about the race RACE REVIEW REPORT:

Royal Victoria Marathon, Grade = A

Marathon Course:

Beautiful, nicely planned course that shows you everything from green space to rolling seaside terrain. The course was relatively flat with only minor elevation. Photographers were strategically planted in places with good background landscapes.

Aid Stations Signage

Honestly, there was a ton of aid stations. Everytime you'd want something an aid station would pop-up. The sponsor product for the Royal Victoria Marathon is Power Bar. They also had great signs that would let you know a water station was coming up (if around a corner) which I found helpful. It allowed me to prepare for the bottlenecking that always occurs or get excited. Another notable and well executed signage strategy was the markers at every kilometer point. I can't thank the race director enough for organizing these. I love having a sign per kilometer so I can calculate where I am time-wise for my goal. I'd like to also mention that we figured out the signage was quite accurate too.

Race Kit Pickup Expo:

This was a fairly well organized expo with lots to see and do. I missed seeing Simon Whitfeild speak though I'm sure it was great. There was a simply fabulous older man who was volunteering at the route map. This wonderful man was doling out fantastic words of encouragement and strategy. I hope everyone found him

Essentially I would do this race again without hesitation. Compared to the Kelowna event which I did the half marathon in the year before this was far more organized and professional. :) Two thumbs up

diagram of brain lobes, codec conflict, codec conflicts, codec convert.

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